
Quick Facts Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan 2

Farming Today and Tomorrow

exploring the prairie module icon

The following activities, suggestions and extensions may prove helpful as students use the Quick Facts page to extend their background information on Farming Today and Tomorrow.


  1. ADD A FACT: Cut and paste the text of the Quick Facts page to a word processing document. Print the facts in large type and post in the classroom. As students learn more about Farming Today and Tomorrow, they may add facts to the list.
  2. MODERN FARMING MATH: Because many of the "quick facts" include statistics related to modern farming, introduce the Quick Facts page by creating a math matching/estimation activity. For example, the following facts were copied from the Quick Facts page with the corresponding statistics listed below. Students should work in pairs, record their "estimate" and go to the Quick Facts page to compare their answer with the fact.Facts:
    _________ percent of Iowa's land is devoted to agriculture.About _____ percent of the US agriculture exports come from Iowa.Approximately ___________ acres of corn were harvested in Iowa in 1999.Iowa's average rainfall is _______ inches per year.The number of Iowa farms is steadily declining. In 1998 there were ________ farms in Iowa. In 2000, there were _______ farms.Approximately ________ acres of soybeans were harvested in Iowa in 1999.Iowa's ____ most important agricultural products are corn, soybeans, cattle, hogs and dairy products.In 1999 Iowa produced ___________ pounds of honey.In 1998, Iowa packing plants produced _________ pounds of meat.
    11 million
    3.9 million
    12 million
    6.2 billion
  3. I'M THINKING OF A PRODUCT: Have students go to the More Quick Facts On Agriculture section at the bottom of the Quick Facts Page. After exploring the fact sheets on such diverse farm products as emu, ostrich, dairy or pork, have students identify clues about a mystery farm product.

    • I'm thinking of an animal.
    • This animal is native to Australia.
    • This animal cannot fly.
    • As an adult, this animal weighs about 135 lbs.
    • Lays 30 to 40 eggs per year.

Answer: Emu

Students may wish to search online for facts about farm products not listed on this page.

camp silos

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